A strengths-based approach.
Many of us don’t hear about how ADHD and Autism enriches our lives. Instead, public messaging tends to focus on the difficulties it can create for us and our loved ones.
It’s frustrating that ADHD is so misleading. It’s actually not a deficit of energy, attention or interest, but a challenge for how we can best regulate and channel these across all areas of our lives, in order to reach our highest potential.
ADHD coaching is life coaching through an ADHD lens. Through educating you on exactly how and why your brain works differently, we can then begin to understand and focus on what actually works for YOU, to reach your goals.
Our coaching style is based on a strengths-based approach. Developing your skills to manage ADHD challenges, will come from your own personal strengths (and we will identify these)!
The saying, pills don’t teach skills, means the skills you learn in ADHD coaching, will last long past the time your medication wears off, and during all the times you might not be able to take medication (or decide not to).
Through helping you to understand your unique brain wiring and strengths, you will be able to better align the person you are, with the life you want to live. And you will be able to move through life transitions and times of uncertainty, with more self-awareness, self-compassion and self-trust.
We deliver our services based on our values of Love, Growth + Authenticity.
Love: We value helping you create a stronger connection with yourself and the people you love, through uncovering and rediscovering your true strengths and inner knowings.
Growth: We value supporting your understanding in how your unique brain wiring works, giving you knowledge in how you best process, learn and interact with the world.
Authenticity: We value facilitating the alignment of who are you are, with what you do, so you can live your most authentic life.
Our Coaching Principles
Provide a safe space
We all need a safe space to grow and connect with ourselves, where we can feel truly heard, without pressure or judgement.
Support self-awareness
Self-awareness is the first step towards making sense of our world and to develop more self-compassion.
Every human is unique
Even for neurodiverse people, there is no one right way of being; we all live by our own design, each with our own strengths and talents.
Support self-worth
Every person is worthy of experiencing love and joy, feeling understood and accepted, and living a life of purpose and meaning.
Pause to notice
True freedom is the ability to pause, and consciously become aware of our thoughts, feelings, actions, words and choices.
Embody authenticity
Our biggest contribution to the world comes from embodying our most authentic self, and not the expectations of others.
Limitless possibility
When we know better, we can do better; once we truly gain self-awareness, the ripple effects for ourselves, every person and every situation we encounter in life, are positively limitless.